COMPUPORT believes that an effective backup plan should be a part of your strategy. Most of the time this is overlooked. Having a regular and up-to-date backup of your data and systems is essential in minimising downtime when your IT hardware fails. Most people only realise this when it is too late. COMPUPORT provides backup contracts which will give you peace of mind to know that your data is securely stored off-site.

In the event of a problem with your equipment, such as disk failure or a disaster situation in relation to your business or equipment as a whole such as theft, fire, flood or other natural disaster, you want to be sure that you are covered and your business isn’t negatively affected.

On average, 90% of the businesses and individual users audited lack full or useful backups, which could be used to restore their IT environment to a usable state in the event of a catastrophic disaster, quickly if at all.

Every 40 seconds, a company gets hit by a ransomware. Ransomware, as it is called, is malicious software that locks a device —computer, tablet or smartphone and demands a ransom to unlock it. It hits the device when navigating through various hacked websites, downloading a file or clicking a wrong link. great financial loss is incurred if data is not correctly protected and backed up.

We understand how difficult it can be to keep track of your business data backups. It can be difficult to discover the data that is, and more importantly is not being backed up and if the backups are reliable.

We will advise you on the best and most cost effective methods to protect your IT systems and software in the event of a disaster. Having your data offsite allows it to be secure, in the event of something occurring at your primary location, which would result in losing your data locally.

Contact COMPUPORT to develop a comprehensive BACKUP solutions.

